
giant pizza bubble

...a delicious cavern of airy goodness :-)



original sin

My fascination with taking obscenely delicious food photos can be traced back to this moment, and this photo (which was taken by my darling Tony).

(at this point, you really must take a moment to click on the photo to view it in its full high-res glory, if you haven't done so already)

It was June 2004. We were in London for a couple days, on our way to Cyprus. We stopped in this little place near our hotel for breakfast—Tony went for the full-on English Breakfast, I think I opted for something a bit lighter. At the time when he was taking this photo, I might have been making fun of him a little for doing it, but when I saw the photo I was speechless.

This was also the moment when I fell in love with the digital camera (I still had a film camera at the time). I was absolutely amazed and enthralled with the insane amount of detail it produced—specifically in looking at this very photo.

Incidentally, though we were only in London for 2 days, we went back for this very same breakfast the next morning.